Community Action Poverty Simulation for Pro Bono Volunteers

Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston invites you to participate in a Community Action Poverty Simulation. The Poverty Simulation is an invaluable experience for volunteers interested in providing pro bono representation to patient-families living in poverty.

The Poverty Simulation is an interactive tool that educates participants about the day-to-day
realities of life with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress. The goal of the
simulation is to promote a greater understanding of poverty and of the experiences of many
pro bono clients. Participants will take part in short sessions representing a four-week period in
the life of a low-income family, followed by a facilitated discussion about the experience.

Friday, October 30, 9am - 12 pm
Hosted by and held at:
Ropes & Gray
One International Place
Boston, MA 02110

Please RSVP by October 23, 2009 to Margarita Warren at
Space is limited.