Job Opportunity: Seton Hall School of Law, Center for Social Justice

The Center for Social Justice at Seton Hall University School of Law, located in Newark, New Jersey, is pleased to announce the job openings listed below. The Center is home to eight clinics, as well as the International Human Rights/Rule of Law Initiative, the Urban Revitalization Initiative, and a large pro bono program. The clinics focus on the following areas: constitutional and civil rights, education, equal justice, family law, immigration and human rights, impact litigation, juvenile justice, and predatory lending and foreclosure.

Practitioner-in-Residence: International Human Rights/Rule of Law Project
Seton Hall University School of Law is seeking applications for a Practitioner-in-Residence for the International Human Rights/Rule of Law Project within its Center for Social Justice from July 2011 to July 2012 with the expectation of renewal of the position for one additional year, dependent on grant funding and performance.

The Practitioner-in-Residence will work in collaboration with faculty in at least three sections of the Center for Social Justice: the Civil Rights and Constitutional Litigation Clinic; the Equal Justice Clinic; and the Immigrants’ Rights/International Human Rights Clinic. The Civil Rights and Constitutional Litigation Clinic docket includes civil actions on behalf of victims of human trafficking, challenges to immigration raids and local enforcement of immigration laws, challenges to various aspects of the “war on terror,” and First Amendment litigation. The Equal Justice Clinic docket includes a variety of cases involving civil and human rights with a primary focus on the rights of immigrants, women, and other historically vulnerable groups. The Immigrants’ Rights/International Human Rights Clinic focuses on representation in claims arising under the Refugee and Torture Conventions, the Violence Against Women Act, Trafficking Victim Protection Act, human rights complaints before international tribunals, and field work on human rights and comparative refugee law issues.

Practitioner-in-Residence: Urban Revitalization Project
Seton Hall University School of Law is seeking applications for a Practitioner-in-Residence for the Urban Revitalization Project within its Center for Social Justice from July 2011 to July 2012 with the expectation of renewal of the position for one additional year, dependent on grant funding and performance.

The Practitioner-in-Residence will take a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing issues of urban revitalization, with an emphasis on housing and education, and will work in collaboration with faculty in two sections of the Civil Litigation Clinic of the Center for Social Justice, led by Professors Linda Fisher and Shavar Jeffries. The Civil Litigation Clinic represents clients in cases addressing foreclosure scams, housing discrimination, and public education reform. Examples of cases/projects undertaken by the Project include representing homeowners against foreclosure rescue scams, representing tenants in a housing conditions case for appointment of a rent receiver to manage their building, challenges to municipalities’ affordable housing plans, and advocacy for an equal education for all children in New Jersey. The Practitioner-in-Residence litigates cases, undertakes community education, and generally advocates on urban issues.

For application details, please visit the CSO Symplicity site.