2017: Papandreu the whore of Greece asking support for his candidacy as Secretary-General at UN

The man who destroyed Greece, and who's family is directly responsible for all the pain and suffering the Greek people are now enduring, the head of Socialist International and head of Greek Socialists PASOC - wants to be the next Secretary-General of the United Nations.

As happens all the time, failed politicians are always parked at the U.N. Now confidential sources inside the International Socialists say that Papandreu is rallying support and is already looking pas-Ban Ki-moon at 2017.

The United Nations have already been a total failure under the South Korean regime of Ban Ki-moon, imagine now Papandreu at the helm of the U.N.. Same sources say that a very powerful non-for-profit Institute close to Democratic Party in US is behind the scenes orchestrating the support.

Will see what will happen !