Assistant Position with NLG

Lawyer Referral Service Coordinator/Administrative Assistant
Full Time (35 hours a week)

The National Lawyers Guild is a progressive bar association of lawyers, legal workers, and law students dedicated to overcoming political, social, and economic injustices. The Massachusetts Chapter of the Guild consists of 300 legal professionals, united in an organization that “shall function as an effective political and social force in the service of people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.” The Massachusetts Chapter, a non-profit entity, has a small 3-person office. The Administrative Assistant will work under the direction and supervision of the Chapter Director.

Work hours: Weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Salary: $17/hour
Benefits: Excellent benefits under NOLSW/UAW 2320 union contract
Deadline for application is May 17, 2012 Starting Date is July 23, 2012

1. Coordinate and complete all office administrative tasks, which include:
• Membership – update and maintain database, complete quarterly dues billing and quarterly membership
reports, work on membership development, including mailings and phone solicitations
• Fundraising – assist with grant proposals, organize and assist with all special events
• Office Management – maintain office equipment and supplies
• Preparation of materials for meetings and events
• Newsletter production – 8 times a year, help solicit and edit articles, do layout and mailing
2. Coordinate the Lawyer Referral Service, which includes:
• Taking calls and emails from potential low- and moderate-income clients and refer them to Guild lawyers
• Membership – maintain database, generate statistical reports, built Project’s membership
• Conducting on-going outreach to organizations and update the website
3. Support Student Chapters and NLG Committees:
• Assist Mass Defense Committee which trains and provides legal observers for demonstrations and lawyers to defend protesters
• Assist Guild Student Chapters at local law schools

• Commitment to progressive politics and NLG Mission
• Organized, flexible, self-motivated, with good communication and writing skills, interpersonal skills
• Must be able to work independently
• Strong phone and computer skills (Mac and PC), experience with FileMaker, Excel, and Quark
• Webpage design and hosting preferred but will train right candidate
• Fluency in Spanish is preferred

Email (DO NOT MAIL) (1) Letter of Interest, (2) Resume, and (3) References as ONE DOCUMENT to:
Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director