CORI Initiative Wrap Up

The Center for Law and Social Responsibility’s CORI Initiative concluded its successful first year on April 27th 2012 with presentation of a by Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) Attorney Pauline Quirion to CLSR Fellow Sarah Herbert and some of the students who worked with the CORI Initiative, thanking the Initiative for its work this year.
The CORI Initiative’s goal is to assist those who are harmed by their criminal record. Students met on Friday afternoons to do client intake and draft affidavits in support of sealing to be used by GBLS or by the client if pro se. Students also took did in-take and observed hearings at Dorchester and Roxbury municipal court, where they could see  their affidavits used to seal a client’s CORI. Then, students from the Initiative submitted public comments on behalf of CLSR addressing regulations implementing CORI Reform. The CORI Initiative looks forward to building on these efforts next year by expanding the number of cases it can take and developing an online CORI reform resource.

Pictured above left to right, are Andrew Higley (2L), Attorney Quirion, CLSR Fellow Sarah Herbert, Allison Haar (2L) and Reidan Fredstrom (3L).