Is UNDP sponsoring Serbia's 2012 Presidency at UN General Assembly?

This morning all Serbian press was filled with titles like :

Serbia: Foreign minister under fire for financing his UN presidency bid


All above press and others were pointing out a fact: 
Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic, who was elected president of the United Nations General Assembly last month, found himself in the midst of controversy and public criticism on Thursday for excessive costs of his one-year presidential term.
Even before he was elected president on 9 June, Jeremic had asked government to approve 7.5 million dollars to finance his UN activities and special teams formed for that purpose to support him in Belgrade and New York.Serbian press reported that Jeremic had set himself a monthly salary of 28,000 dollars, plus 15,000 dollars monthly allowance for renting an apartment in New York. The figures sent shock-waves in a country with almost one million unemployed, over 20 billion euros foreign debt and average monthly salary of about 350 dollars.According to the UN rules, the world organization participates in financing the post of Assembly president with 300,000 dollars, while other expenses are picked up by the president’s home country.Jeremic, 37, had already been criticized by the media for “squandering millions of dollars” on his presidential campaign which was seen by many analysts as his “personal promotion”. The post of General Assembly president is largely ceremonial, but Belgrade has hailed Jeremic’s election over Lithuanian candidate Dalius Cekuolis as a great success for Serbian diplomacy...

But one fact is escaping every one:

UNDP gives Serbia every year 8.7 Million dollars "developing assistance". 

Why would it make sense for United Nations to continue to support Serbia if the current Government there can afford to pay publicity, campaign and other representation $$$ to the tune of $7.5 Million dollars for one year?

If Serbs are so rich - why do they need United Nations assistance ? Or is U.N. funding Jeremic ?

Government of Serbia for Presidency of General Assembly : $7.5 Million

UNDP Assistance to Government of Serbia (2011) : $8.7 Million