Singapore to pay for another UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence

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S'pore, UNDP to set up centre for Public Service Excellence
SINGAPORE - Singapore and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed an agreement to set up a Global Centre for Public Service Excellence.

UNDP administrator Helen Clark and Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law, K Shanmugam, inked the deal in New York today.

"Strong and responsive public services have a profound effect on the opportunities and quality of life of all people," commented Ms Clark.

Ms Clark said the purpose is to create a place where the best thinking on public service policies, strategies and institutional innovation can be consolidated and shared with senior policy makers around the world.

Mr Shanmugam said the new research centre marks a new chapter to Singapore's long history of cooperation with the UNDP.

He hopes it will serve as a useful platform for the sharing of Singapore's development experience and best practices in public service with other countries.

The centre will be operational by the end of the year and will be located in Singapore.

The centre will analyse and disseminate the latest information and practices from think-tanks, universities and policy makers in Singapore and other countries in the area of public services.

Its research and policy papers will also seek to inform civil servants across the region and beyond on the state of play and the long-term implications of efficient public services that meet the needs of citizens.

The centre will be located at Heng Mui Keng Terrace, near the National University of Singapore.

An interim director has already been designated for the centre. CHANNEL NEWSASIA

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