UNDP starts "printing" Carbon Certificates: big business involved - no one is watching, no one is accountable, no transparency on selection or endorsement of Certificates

As part of measures by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) to promote energy efficiency in Nigeria, Schneider Electric has been selected to implement a renewable energy project at the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN’s) headquarters’ building in Abuja.

According to the director general of the Energy commission of Nigeria, Sambo said the key barriers to successful energy efficiency practice in Nigeria include a lack of relevant policy, cost versus market ratios, a lack of information as well as wrong human behaviour.

He further reiterated that projects that help save energy, eventually save the environment as well as the economy.

The project, aimed at showcasing the Energy Commission of Nigeria’s building as a model for public lighting using renewable energy will include the replacement of all non compliant lighting fixtures in the building with Schneider Electric’s energy efficient LED lamps ‘In-Diya’