Should Jens Wandel resign over Rami Makhlouf scandal in Syria?

Resign ? Why?

Yesterday Fox News published a story supported by documents showing that in 2011 the UNDP Syria was dealing with Rami Makhlouf, who is blacklisted by U.S. Treasury since 2008.

This morning finger-pointing began with the Office of Administrator Helen Clark dodgin responsibility to Legal Office and Bureau of Management, who are both under Jens Wandel's domain.

But is it fair to target Jens Wandel (who is a new ASG/BoM ) for deals his predecessor (Akiko Yuge) made in 2011?

Instead of transferring the responsibility, why not ask the questions of:

1. Who approved SyriaTel as vendor ?

2. Who approved Syrian Computer Society as vendor and granted them a non-bid contract to supply local UN/UNDP offices in Damascus with Internet access? 

3. Did the Legal Office of UNDP do due diligence and ask from UN/OLA and Host Country Committee and EU Brussels clearance on Syrian vendors ? 

4. Who approved the decision NOT TO INCLUDE the UN Offices in Syria under VSat (Satellite) services, but rather rely on Bashar Al-Assad infrastructure (i.e. Syrian Computer Society and SyriaTel)?

5. Who approved the programme outline for Syria that called for partnership with SyriaTel, knowing far well that SyriaTel was blacklisted by US Treasury and European Union since 2008 ? 

6. Was this a deliberate action from UNDP to undermine US/EU sanctions against al-Assad Regime?